Three guesses which one's mine. |
Unless you have an indefinite amount of time to spend in this city, I advise that you plan ahead and get a good general idea of what you want to see. Having said that, leave room for spontaneity, and be flexible about time and what you actually see and do. Oh. Also, stay with friends. Makes it so much more fun and unpredictable.
I only had a weekend to visit DC. Some might call that slightly crazy, seeing as it was a 6 and a half hour drive to get there, but I was going because there was an exhibit I particularly wanted to see. So I had that on my to-do list, along with things like renting bikes to roll through the city and some rooftop restaurants that afforded beautiful views of the city. On that list, I was only able to check off the exhibit. But, there were other great and wonderful experiences.
Arriving just past 10:30pm, the friend we were staying with decided to take us out to dinner in the city. Mediterranean and soooo good. My only regret was not pulling out my camera to document the meal. Guess that's what happens when you eat a couple hours late and you have a slightly incoherent and a tired brain. Having finished dinner at around midnight, our adventure had just begun. We strolled over to some of the monuments, snapped pictures, sat and rested, solved riddles and even allowed a spontaneous game of ninja to unfold in the middle of the WWII memorial. The night concluded only after returning and having a jam session and Youtube mini-marathon. Time: 5:30am.
Day 2. Slept in. Though there was list running through my brain, I decided to just let things go. Probably the easiest decision I had to make all weekend. Good choice, because I might have collapsed from exhaustion otherwise.
After calling around to get a recommendation for a lunch spot (everyone in the house had vacated around 8:30am to go pick apples; we weren't that crazy), we discovered Potbellies. Oh. My. Fluffy. Cloud. So. Delicious. I don't think I can ever look at another sub-sandwhich the same again. The Sicilian. About 5 different kinds of meats (sorry to my veg friends). Full of flavor, and spice. But, the spicy doesn't really reveal itself until after you've tasted all the other flavors. What? How does that even work? I don't know. But it was amazing. Oreo milkshake. Perfect consistency, and oh so smooth. Like silk and babies bottoms.
Coincidentally, there was a little art market happening right outside Potbellies (where we sat outside and enjoyed GORGEOUS weather and wonderful live music). So cute. Hence=stroll through.
From there, we got on the metro and headed into DC. We found the National Portrait Gallery and went to see the exhibit I wanted to see. Not horrible, but I can't say that I was overly impressed. Next: we decided to head toward the Mall and see other museums. We stopped at a statue of some war general and people watched for a bit, then headed on. While on our way to the National History Museum, we passed through the Sculpture Garden and hit the brakes. Beautiful fountain pool, and what a wonderful phenomenon! People were sitting on the edge with their feet in water! Perfect! Needless to say we sat and soaked our feet. Watched kidlets play. Saw a man propose. Observed photo shoots. Shweet. (No, we really did see a proposal happen)
Eventually got to the National History Museum. Kind of sped through this too because there were gobs and gobs of people. Plus, we were meeting a friend and his wife for dinner. So, rush to metro, figure out that there are two changes, take one train in the wrong direction, switch trains and finally get to location. Eat a scrumptious Chinese meal. Again, no photos because I was too intent on eating. Plus I didn't want to weird out these people I had really just met. Then, back to the house for Dinner Round 2. Burgers. Corn. Peppers. Avacado. etc. Also delish. But I ate less and just sat around talking until I was too tired and passed out. Time: 11:30pm.
To conclude this epic weekend, we left around 10:15am, in order to beat traffic. A beautiful drive, though I was pretty sleepy the majority of the drive. Kudos to my driver, who valiantly and courageously drove us all the way back and didn't complain once. So gallant and chivalrous.
And that, my friends, is the rundown of my weekend. I hope you had a great one too!