I just got back from a prayer meeting at church.
A prayer meeting focused on "Your Kingdom Come." Praying the realization and spread of God's kingdom all over the world, and right where we are.
As I was going from the different tables, I ended on Asia. Over 5 thousand unreached people groups.
And you were laid on my heart. My friend Anu (read anew).
She is in India right now. Volunteering with a non profit that targets sex trafficking. She has only described one of her experiences to me, but I could hear and feel the weight. I could feel her brokenness at seeing prostitution so deeply ingrained in a village's social structure that even young adolescent girls had been marked. She saw it in the deadness of their eyes. Their lack of hope in their futures. Contrasted with the promise of possibility in the eyes and voices of the pre-pubescent girls.

That you would be strengthened with His peace, strength, joy, courage and love.
That your strength. Your words. Your thoughts. Your actions. Would draw from the Holy Spirit.
That your eyes would be fixed on the Light, so that you will not be overcome by the darkness around you.
That you would trust in His unfailing and unconditional love when you feel discouraged. You may not see the immediate results you desire, but He is still working. He Is.
I pray, my sister, dear heart, that you would grow in spirit and in truth. That every day you are being fashioned more and more into the godly woman that He has created you to be.
I pray that you will find community to support and to support you. To fellowship with. To laugh and cry with.
I pray most of all that you are rooted in the vine.
I love you!
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